Mason Blog

October 24, 2023

HLTH 2023 Recap: A Patient-First Future

HLTH 2023 was a whirlwind of discussions and keynotes, covering both buzzy topics like generative AI and ever-present issues like patient data security. More than anything else, however, we saw the patient centered as the future of healthcare innovation. Below, we’ll break down the top themes from the event with our own insights: Let’s dive […]

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April 22, 2024

With Wearable Devices, Preventive Medicine Takes an Important Turn

Today’s vulnerable population is living longer than any other generation before it. One of the reasons for this is better monitoring options for both patients and doctors. This type of observation is increasingly performed in real-time through wearable devices, which have taken preventive medicine in an exciting direction.  Long a popular solution for personal fitness […]

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Device Management
April 8, 2024

The Emergence of Integrated Technology in Clinical Trials

Decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) represent an increasingly common approach to clinical research that has been accentuated by the logistical challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. The advantages of using digital technologies in virtual clinical trials have become apparent through the development of a wide range of endpoints and specialized mobile hardware features, improvements to the […]

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Device Management
April 1, 2024

Challenges of Scaling Hardware and How to Overcome Them

Wearables, scanners, kiosks, and POS systems are just a few examples of hardware that has become a part of companies’ growing fleets of devices for use by customers, employees, contractors, and suppliers. As operations expand geographically and a company acquires more customers, hardware fleets can grow rapidly not only in size but also in complexity. […]

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Company News
Product Updates
July 25, 2022

Mason X-Ray: Remote ADB and Screen Share

When it comes to managing a fleet of devices, one of the most costly and time-consuming processes is troubleshooting issues experienced in the field. It’s inevitable that something will go wrong from time-to-time — from unexpected behavior and app crashes to user error. Traditionally, customer support teams are tasked with troubleshooting these issues over the […]

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Device Management
June 21, 2022

Ultimate Guide to Remote Patient Monitoring Devices

In the last couple of years, remote patient monitoring devices (RPM) have become increasingly prevalent, and for good reason. Today’s devices can help provide quality care from medical professionals and enhance the patient care experience while allowing effective monitoring outside the traditional clinic setting. This can help make quality care more accessible to many and […]

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Device Management
June 14, 2022

Ultimate Guide to Scaling Your Device Fleet – Mason

Businesses of all sizes own fleets of devices, including mobile devices, scanners, wearables, POS systems, kiosks, and more for use by employees, customers, suppliers, and contractors. As the company grows, the fleet size increases, and so does the complexity. Rolling out new devices, deploying these devices into new places, and dealing with aging hardware and […]

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Device Management
June 8, 2022

Everything You Need to Know About Mobile Device Management

Mobile devices usage has increased tremendously in the last couple of years. Today, there are over 5.29 billion unique mobile device users across the globe, and the number is growing at a rate of 1.9 percent each year. This trend, along with today’s mobile workforce, has enabled businesses to create, scale, and improve their device […]

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Device Management
April 25, 2022

Mobile Infrastructure with Mason

With the explosion of mobile devices over the last decade, it’s no surprise that mobile infrastructure is now an essential aspect of business operations. Smartphones worldwide almost doubled from 2016 to 2022, and since 2017, mobile devices have accounted for more than half of total global website traffic. This extends far beyond personal use, and […]

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